六年级英语上册 Unit2第3课时(Cartoon time)教学设计

发布时间:17-10-30 录入:周玲艳 浏览次数:646

                            三年级上册  Unit 2  I’m Liu Tao

  3课时 教案    周玲艳

Teaching contents  教学内容

Cartoon time

Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标

1. 能熟练地在活动中运用Are you …? Yes, I am.No, I’m not.

2. 能理解Cartoon time中的故事,并乐于阅读表演故事。

3. 能初步会听、会读、会说Goodbye

4. 能认读名字John

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点


1. 能理解Cartoon time中的故事,并乐于表演该故事。

2. 能初步会听、会读、会说Goodbye

3. 能认读名字John


1. 能理解Cartoon time中的故事,并乐于表演该故事。

2. 能初步会听、会读、会说Goodbye


Teaching procedures  教学过程

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greet to each other.

  T: Hello, boys and girls./Good morning …/Good afternoon …

  S: Hello, Miss .../Good morning …/Good afternoon …

2. Play with our friends.


T: Boys and girls, look, he is Man Yangyang. Can you greet him?

S: Hello./Hi./Good morning …/Good afternoon …

T: Look, who is he? Let’s guess!

S: Are you …?

(依次出示羊村的成员,让学生猜测。教师根据学生的反应,点击PPT回答:Yes, I am./No, I’m not.)

【设计意图:三年级学生刚刚起步学习英语,教师在每节课开始的打招呼问好,可以让学生更快地进入英语学习,也可以让学生多运用所学知识。本环节中引入学生耳熟能详的卡通形象,让学生通过与他们做猜一猜的游戏复习巩固本单元的重点句型“Are you …?” 及其回答,并尝试用学习的打招呼的语言与其进行交流。同时,在教学过程中,针对表现突出的孩子可以奖励相应的动物贴纸。】

T: Boys and girls, welcome to Happy English Land. Let’s play with our friends.

S: OK.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Rhyme time

T: Let’s read the rhyme with Sam.

S: OK.

Hi. Hi. Are you Sam? Yes. Yes. Yes, I am. Hi. Hi. Are you Bobby? No. No. No, I’m not.


2. Cartoon time

T: Let’s go to the cartoon theatre with Sam. 同学们让我们和萨姆一起到卡通剧场去看一看吧。


(1) Watch and answer

T: Look, this is Bobby. What are they doing? Let’s watch the cartoon together. (播放动画)

T: They are playing a game, hide-and-seek. Are they happy?

S: Yes.

T: Are they happy now? What happened?

S: No. 小老鼠们看到Sam都被吓跑了。



(2) Read and tick

T: 故事最后,Bobby说的这句话是什么意思呢?Let’s read the story. (PPT呈现四幅图,学生跟录音分句朗读故事)

T: Goodbye的意思是你好、晚安还是再见呢?

S: Goodbye是再见的意思。

T: Yes.我们跟别人说再见,除了说Goodbye,还可以说ByeBye-bye


(3) Read and order

T: Now, boys and girls, open your books and read the story together.

  Can you order the pictures? 你能给这四幅图排序吗?

T: Good job!


Step 3 Consolidation

1. Choose one way to read.



2. Act out the cartoon.


Step 4 Sharing time

T: Just then, Bobby played a game. He can’t find John. Now, look, Sam can see four mice. They look the same. Which one is Bobby? Let’s share the story.


【设计意图:卡通时间中,Bobby玩游戏摸人,摸到了Sam。该处分享的故事,则由Sam从相似的老鼠中通过询问“Are you …?”找出Bobby。不同的故事主角,相似的故事内容,学生通过拓展阅读,拓展了课外知识,享受了阅读乐趣。】

Homework  家庭作业

1.      Act the story with your friends.

2.      Preview letter time and rhyme time.


Teaching aids  教学准备


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