Project 1 Being a good student课外绘本阅读

发布时间:17-09-27 录入:张敏 浏览次数:1365


Project 1 Being a good student课外绘本阅读

Eason the big brother 第一课时

盱眙县实验小学        戚媛媛

教学内容:绘本阅读  Eason the big brother


1. 能听懂、会读、会说big brother,pest, tummy, uneasy, grow up, agree with, come out, none of, as much as, amuse

2. 能用句型描述 I want(don’t) a baby sister\brother. Because…

3. 能正确地理解并朗读绘本内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述绘本内容。

4. 能让学生加强对英语绘本的兴趣,形成自己的绘本阅读方法。




Step 1 Greeting & Warm-up

1.  TDo you like stories? S …

TToday, I will read a story with you. The name is Eason the big brother. First, let’s watch a cartoon.

2.  Watch a cartoon: Big Family.

3. T: How many people are there in the cartoon? Who are they?

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Think and answer

What kind of family are you in ? Do you want a baby brother\sister? What do you think of your brother\sister?


2. Reading story.


3. 观看绘本视频。

4. QuestionsDoes Tom like the little baby?  Why?

           Does Amy like the little baby?  Why?

5. Where is the baby  at first?

           How is mum?

引出:small -big –bigger- fat- fatter

如:fast-faster, strong-stronger, tall-taller

5. 分层阅读

阅读绘本片段,回答问题 ,从绘本中找答案

Does Eason like the his sister now?



Emily doesn’t        Tom and Amy .

She        loudly in their arms.

When Eason       her up, she      crying at once (立刻).


A:Do you want a baby sister\brother?

 B:Yes.I want a …\No, I   don’t want a …



Step 3 Consolidation

1. Show time

Write something to your brother or sister.

My brother \sister

      I want to say: ……


2. Read the story

a. Read after the tape

b. Read in different ways in groups of three


1. Review story and retell the story.

 2. Make a poster of  your family.


Eason the big brother



smaller                 small              big              bigger

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